Dark Knight Rises Trailer Parody 'The Lion King Rises' Turns Scar Into Bane, Nala Into Catwoman (Video)

WATCH: Dark Knight Rises Trailer Parody 'The Lion King Rises'

If there's one movie pretty much everyone's looking forward to in 2012, it's Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises.

And if there's one movie pretty much everyone already loves, it's The Lion King.

So what if the two were combined together to create a trailer mash-up that boasts The Lion King's visuals, but the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises' audio?

You'd get this, The Dark Knight Rises trailer parody, 'The Lion King Rises' - a clever little YouTube gag that swaps all of your favourite characters from the pride with the likes of Alfred, Batman, Catwoman and Bane himself.

We won't spoil it for you by telling you exactly how they align the trailer's sound with the Disney classic's video, but just so you can compare and contrast, here's the trailer for The Lion King and here's the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises.


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