Hitler, The Mitfords And Rationing: Twitter Account Livetweets The Second World War 72 Years On

Hitler, The Mitfords And Rationing: Twitter Account Livetweets The Second World War 72 Years On

Is your Second World War history sketchy? Or did you not pay attention in class? Help is at hand thanks for a Twitter account that is livetweeting the Second World War day by day – 72 years on.

RealTimeWWII tweets events from the global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945 as it happened.

Todays fascinating titbits include the announcement of bacon rationing in Britain (at 3.5 rashers per person per week) and the grisly fact starving Red Army divisions trapped by the Finnish army were given permission to slaughter their baggage horses for meat.

The account also links to historic footage of a car carrying aristocrat and “friend of Hitler” Unity Mitford being brought back to Britain after her suicide attempt.

The socialite apparently announced: “I’m glad to be in England, even if I’m not on your side” as she was stretched back to her family home.

Earlier tweets include the 1939 announcement of Time Magazine’s Man Of The Year, Josef Stalin and George VI’s first speech of war to the British Empire.


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