A council that had its library restructuring plans quashed in the High Court spent more than £70,000 fighting the judicial review.
Somerset County Council said it spent over £24,000 on internal solicitors' fees and £44,000 on external counsel, while £2,500 was spent on accommodation and travel costs.
The review at the High Court in November decided it was unlawful for Somerset County Council to withdraw funding for 11 libraries because the cuts did not comply with "public sector equality duties" owed to vulnerable social groups.
A spokeswoman for Somerset County Council said: "The council's legal costs for the judicial review were £24,573.38 for internal solicitors' fees, £44,034.08 for external counsels' fees and £135.00 for court fees; a total of £68,742.46.
"Other associated costs were travel and accommodation for people attending legal hearings which totalled £2,590.78."
The Conservative-led authority has also been ordered to pay the other side's legal costs but said it has not yet been told how much this will be.
The council had intended to save £1.35 million by reducing opening hours and closing 11 permanent libraries and four mobile libraries.
But it has been ordered to reopen all the withdrawn services.
"Work is under way to reinstate previously reduced opening hours in 23 libraries and reintroduce four discontinued mobile libraries," a spokeswoman said.
"Funding for 11 libraries that had been planned to end by April this year will also continue."
Also, about £600,000 will be spent by the authority on self-service technology at some of the county's busiest libraries.
A new review of the council's library services is due to start in April and will help determine the future of funding.