Spot The Artist: Cecilia Paredes' Amazing Wallpaper Art

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Like Levi Van Veluw in his project Origin of the Beginning, Cecilia Paredes is an artist who tends to get lost in her work.

The Peruvian artist uses body paint to transform herself into a camouflaged part of her surroundings - meaning she can sometimes be difficult to spot.

This collection, called Landscapes, sees her blending into a series of bright and detailed wallpaper designs, often only detectable by her hair.

This kind of art creates a memorable optical illusion, but it also displays a remarkable level of skill as the designs are painstakingly matched onto a human body.

" Tough it is, but it has to be done, without forgetting our origin.

"The theme behind all is re-location after displacement and migration and how one has to adjust in order to belong. Tough it is, but it has to be done, without forgetting our origin."


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