Picture Of The Day: Egyptian Fuel Tanker In Hilarious Arabic Fail

Picture Of The Day: Egyptian Fuel Tanker In Hilarious Arabic Fail

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Or as they say in Arabic: oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

This photo appeared on the Facebook wall of Sahil Anand, who uploaded it with the caption: "A contract company out here was asked to stencil on the side of a fuel tanker: 'Diesel Fuel' in Arabic and 'No Smoking' in Arabic. This is what came back..."

Oh dear.

Anand lives in Dubai, but as he explains to Huffington Post UK: "The photo was sent to me by a client of mine who's based in Egypt. I keep complaining about the daily battles I have working in the UAE - and after that picture he made my work look like a piece of cake."

A piece of cake, indeed. Wait - anyone know what the Arabic/Arbic is for that?


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