This is the terrifying moment when a pram carry a child was washed away by the incoming tide on the pathway that connects Cramond Island in the Firth of Forth with the Scottish mainland.
Due to its unique geography, Cramond is a tidal island, only connected to the mainland at low tide. At high tide the pathway is covered by several feet of water.
Unfortunately for the unnamed woman and her child, the incoming tide proved too strong, pushing the pram into the ocean.
Both were helped to safety by passers by, suffering only a bit of a wetting and the need for a clean pair of clothes.
Signposts either side of the pathway warn of a quick incoming tide, and the island has seen a number of tourists stranded over the years.
Speaking to the The Daily Mail, Tom Robertson, the operations manager for the lifeboat service at nearby South Queensferry, said: "This incident could certainly have been tragic if someone hadn't managed to get to the child quickly. There have been many, many incidents in the past at Cramond. People get into trouble on the island or on the causeway about 20 times a year.
Cramond Island's treacherous pathway (Google Earth)