'Meet The Sloths' Documentary Crawls Over To Animal Planet UK (PICTURES) (VIDEO)

'Like Cute Crack': The Sloths Are Coming To The UK

The sloths are coming... and they are coming to the UK.

The hit documentary about a sanctuary of charismatically sleepy sloths looking for love in Costa Rica was watched by thousands when it was shown on US TV.

The preview clips of the show, with baby sloths snuggling, cuddling and crawling immediately went viral. And now Brits have a chance to get a glimpse of some of their jungle behaviour, with Meet the Sloths premiering on Animal Planet UK on Monday 4 March.

The documentary's maker, Lucy Cooke, told The Huffington Post UK why she thought the programme had been so popular.

"There's a bit of sloth in all of us", she said

"When the news is dreadful, here are sloths living very peaceful existences, and serving as the perfect antidote to hectic lives."

Sloths: the equivalent of "cute crack"

Although Lucy doesn't condone having sloths as pets, she admits that they are adorable.

"Sloths are like cute crack.

"They are incredible animals, and when they are born they have this absurd cuteness, all wobbly with hooks for hands."

Twin sloths Violet and Sebastian are particularly appealing.

Especially when dressed up in miniature white dressing gowns. Who knew that sloths could model bathrobes with such panache?

Violet and Sebastian

To the untrained eye, these two babies might be difficult to tell apart. However Lucy says she likes sloths because of their unique faces.

"They aren't like pandas or meerkats," she says. "They all have different faces, like humans. They have real character."

Of course, one can always give a sloth an exotic hairstyle, which helps.

Is it a sloth or a hedgehog?

Buttercup, Queen of the sanctuary, is the liveliest of the sloths. She was the first sloth to arrive at the orphanage and, according to Cooke, is "the least slothful of the sloths".

"She sleeps in this 1970's hanging wicker basket, which is her throne, and she is a total diva. She climbs to the top and makes its spin so that even if you weren't looking at her you have to turn around."

Buttercup: a "total diva"

Many of the sloths that arrive at the sanctuary have been abandoned by their mothers.

And although the sloths are known for being somnolent creatures, they are fast at one thing - having sex.

"We were the first ever people to witness sloths having sex. One scientific journal said they mated very slowly, so when it actually happened we were all a bit shocked and embarrassed. It's remarkably athletic. The male sloth does lots of posturing and acrobatic moves then it's all over in about five seconds."

Specialised sloth jackets for the twins (not post coital sloths)

Cuddly toys litter the sloth sanctuary, and the critters clutching the stuffed animals are transported around the sloth orphanage by adoptive mum and sloth-whisperer Judy Thompson.

However, although they are potty trained and taught how to climb, they never learn which leaves are safe to eat: and so they stay at the sanctuary, growing into happy, healthy adults.

"Gym class is one of the most important lessons in how to be a sloth."

Check out some clips from the show below:


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