Cats Play With iPads At South By South West

Cats Play With iPads At South By South West

The app will pit your wits against that of your furry opponent, as you throw them balls, freak them out with a laser pointer and fling air hockey pucks at each other.

To play, you'll need one human, one furry friend, one very expensive tablet computer and the free app soon to be released by Friskies.

The new app will be perfect for cats who a re bored with playing with scrunched up tissues, string, dead birds or actual laser pointers.

The name You vs. Cat may not be deep, but it's apt, and could easily applied to pretty much anything involved with owning a cat. Bought some new silk throw cushions? That's You vs. Cat. Trying to leave the house in a clean black suit? You vs. Cat.

Although The Huffington Post wasn't there for the launch of the game, we're pretty sure there would have been loads of typical gamers with their cats queueing to get a piece of the action.

You vs. Cat will be out later this week. While you wait, watch these other cats playing with iPads.


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