Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer: Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) Gets Trigger Happy In Wild West Episode (VIDEO)

FIRST LOOK: Amy Pond Gets Trigger Happy

Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, is seen carelessly blasting a gun in the series seven Doctor Who trailer.

The video gives a first look at what's to come, as the Time Lord and his companion travel to the Wild West for a special episode.

The new clip - first screened for fans at the official Doctor Who convention on Saturday (24 March) - shows The Doctor (Matt Smith) riding a horse, guest stars Mark Williams and Ben Browder, a Dalek and a new cyborg nemesis.

The sci-fi drama's next run is expected to premiere in the autumn on BBC One.

Six episodes of Doctor Who will air in 2012, with Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) both departing in the fifth instalment, which will be shot in New York and feature the Weeping Angels.

Recently, the normally spoiler-averse showrunner Steven Moffat dropped some clues via Twitter, saying: "Amy & Rory will leave in a final encounter w/ the Weeping Angels in ep 5. Not everyone gets out alive & I mean it this time."

New companion Jenna-Louise Coleman, who was unveiled to the public last week, will then join the show in this year's Christmas special.


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