There will be love in the air on the Square next week as EastEnders' Roxy Mitchell realises Alfie Moon is her ideal man.
As the pair's close friendship continues, and Alfie attempts to comfort a tearful Roxy as she confesses all about her near-affair with a married man, Roxy comes to the realisation that the right man for her has been there all along.
Viewers will see Alfie pull her in for a hug after Roxy is seen putting her foot in it at Tanya's house for the girls-only book club.
When Roxy comments on how Tanya's illness affected her relationship with Max, shrewd Cora (Ann Mitchell) becomes suspicious and confronts Roxy and Max (Jake Wood). Eager not to cause any trouble, Roxy tells Cora that she was responsible for the whole thing.
But now that Roxy has come to her senses and realised Alfie is a much better match than Max, will he reciprocate her feelings and leave his wife Kat?