One Direction have conquered charts around the world but pop queen Madonna has proved to be blissfully unaware of their existence.
The US singer, who has always shown herself to be on the pulse with changing tastes, was not sure who the British quintet were when asked in a TV interview.
One Direction have caused a stir in the US where they have been mobbed by fans and last month they became the first British group to debut at number one in the US.
But in an interview for ITV1's Daybreak to be screened tomorrow, she was unsure who One Direction were when asked.
"That's a pop group, right? Sorry," said the 53-year-old star.
Informed they are a British chart band, she said: "I haven't seen them yet, no, sorry. Slap my hand."
However Madonna did show herself to be a fan of another British success story, Adele, and said she would like to work with her.
"I would love to. I would love to meet her, I think she's brilliant, I love her," Madonna said.
And she claimed she had hoped to have Adele join her for her huge performance at the Super Bowl earlier this year. "I think she was having her throat problem or throat operation or something," she added.
However, Adele has previously said she would not play arenas or outdoor shows.
During the interview, filmed last Friday and to be screened as part of "Madonna morning" on Daybreak and Lorraine tomorrow, she rules out the idea of judging a TV talent contest.
"I haven't really thought about it to tell you truth and I've never actually seen any of those shows - I don't watch television. And the contests, well everybody's a bit contest obsessed.
"I don't actually like the idea of being a judge. It's so subjective - like what's good and what isn't?"