Two years ago, men breathed a sigh of relief when researchers from Kings College London concluded the female G-spot was no more than fantasy.
However, the hunt for the elusive pleasure zone is back on, according to gynaecologist Adam Ostrzenski of the Institute of Gynecology in St. Petersburg, Florida - as his latest study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, claims to prove this structure does exist in real-life.
But, unfortunately for sexual thrill seekers, the "well-delineated sac structure" is still not going to be easy to find. It measures just 8.1mm long and 3.6mm wide, according to Ostrzenski's report - based on findings from his dissection of an 83-year-old female cadaver in Poland.
"I selected an old lady for the dissection because I wanted to see whether this structure was persistent through life or just in the younger population," said Ostrzenski, according to the New Scientist.
However, Beverly Whipple, the researcher who coined the term back in 1982, has dismissed the findings, saying they oversimplify women's erotic responses.
The Los Angeles Times reported that Whipple believes Ostrzenski has ignored other research contradicting his own - and that there is "no single spot" that boosts the intensity of orgasm in women.
Earlier this year, researchers from the Yale-New Haven Hospital In Connecticut, found no conclusive evidence to support the existence of the erogenous zone. After reviewing 100 studies conducted over the past 60 years, they suggested its popularity is a product of hype, fuelled by the pornography and sex therapy industries, reported HuffPost Lifestyle.
In a blog today for The Huffington Post, Dr Ray Persaud also highlights that the multimillion dollar 'how to orgasm' business even offers surgical procedures to 'augment' a woman's G-spot with collagen.
Click here to find out more about G-spots and the female orgasm