Foursquare Adds Olympics Venues To Check In

Foursquare Adds Olympics Venues To Check In

The London 2012 Olympics are about to get that much more social, as Foursquare announces that the Olympics venues will become check in points on Foursquare.

Current, past and future Olympic venues will join the list of places you can check in - a useful tool for bragging about the great tickets to managed to score.

Foursquare users love a badge, and this new raft of brag locations will earn you the “Get Fit for Olympic Day” badge.

If you've never bothered with Foursquare, because, say, you don't want people knowing where you are all the time, perhaps a trip to the Olympics might lure you? The IOC will gift one badge holder a trip to the Games in London.

The foursquare check ins will launch on 23 June, the anniversary of the modern games, the first of which were held on 23 June 1894 at the Sorbonne, Paris.

Alex Huot, head of social media for the IOC said in a statement: "Our integration with foursquare and the ability to leave location-based tips from the athletes is one more way to serve highly engaged fans of the Olympic Games and to integrate social media directly into the Olympic fan experience. We wanted to do something fun and thank our fans who make an effort to stay fit by offering them a chance to win a trip to the Olympics."


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