Lady Gaga, as we all know, loves to change her look on ooooh, an hourly basis - she's a fashion innovator after all. But we couldn't help but think we'd seen this latest incarnation somewhere before.

Initially we concluded that it was in a tin of Quality Street but then it came to us... Gaga is channeling her inner Willy Wonka.
Or Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka to be more precise.

The singer debuted her new look - complete with ginger bob - as she arrived at her Brisbane hotel.

She's just arrived in Oz on her Born This Way Ball world tour and took time out to chat with some of her Aussie fans and sign autographs.
We're surprised she had the energy after suffering concussion during her Auckland show when a clumsy dancer whacked her over the head with a metal pole.

She was in the middle of performing Judas when she was accidently hit on the bonce. After the incident, she told the audience: "I want to apologise, I did hit my head and I think I may have a concussion but don't you worry I will finish this show."
Despite still having 16 more songs to sing she carried on and finished the gig.
What. A. Trooper.