Facebook Adds Gay Marriage Option For Same-Sex Couples

Facebook Adds Gay Marriage Option For Same-Sex Couples

There is now at least one place in the UK same-sex couples can be married: Facebook.

The social network recently added the option for same-sex couples to register themselves as married - complete with 'wedding cake' icons of two blue men or women.

Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes was the first to announce his marriage on the service, after he was hitched to his partner Sean Eldridge.

They were married in New York, and soon after the icon appeared on their Facebook page.

Facebook has offered options for same-sex relationships, including civil unions and partnerships, but if users selected 'married' an icon of a man and a woman would appear.

GLAAD's Allison Palmer said in a statement:

"Following Facebook's addition of domestic partnership and civil union to profile options last year, these new marriage icons for timeline are another important way for same-sex couples to be recognsed. This move is the latest in a series of measures Facebook has taken to support and include the LGBT community, which earned it the distinction of being the first social media company to receive a GLAAD Media Award earlier this year."


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