Another tantalising clip from Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises has aired on TV, this time showing Gordon-Levitt's and Gary Oldman's characters meeting for the first time.
The clip, which aired as Oldman appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to promote the highly-anticipated film, features a conversation between Gordon-Levitt’s character John Blake and Oldman’s Commissioner Gordon. WATCH THE CLIP ABOVE.
Meanwhile, another TV spot released this week shows Bruce Wayne at the doctor's office. Also making appearances in the clip are Bane and Catwoman. There's not much else in the way of new material, but take a look below (at all six TV spots released thus far), and let us know what you think of the film from these tantalising glimpses.
The Dark Knight Rises is in cinemas 20 July and stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard.