100 Curators 100 Days - the title of Saatchi Online's latest show is fairly self-explanatory. It doesn't make it any less of a mean feat, though.
Over the next three months some 1000 artists from around the world will have their work showcased as part of the largest exhibit of its kind - and even better, you can view it all from the comfort of your desk/sofa/internet nest.
The 100 curators involved each select 10 artists to be included from the 60,000 currently stockpiled in the archives of Saatchi Online - resulting in an exhibit of huge variety.

Will Steacy. Sarah, Jersey City
Curators chosen include Daria de Beauvais, from Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Peter MacGill from New York City and Alessandro Vincentelli from Gateshead's Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art.
We've got a selection of our favourites here. As for the other 985, well you can check them out here.