Soy Sauce Ice Cream, Proceeds To Benefit Town Wiped Out By Japanese Tsunami (PICTURES)

Soy Sauce Ice Cream Might Not Be To Your Taste - But It's For A Good Cause

If you weren’t already unnerved enough by the existence of raw horse meat and spaghetti cheese ice cream, there’s a new scary sweet in town.

A Japanese confectionary firm has created soy sauce ice cream – served in pre-baked cream puffs.

The tongue-twisting taste sensation is the result of a collaboration between Hirota and Yamani Soy Sauce Co, which is based in the Iwate Prefecture city of Rikuzentakata.

What’s more, a portion of the proceeds will go towards revitalising Rikuzentakata, which was flattened by the 2011 tsunami.

The project was arranged by Seki Kinya of Big Apple, a Tokyo-based consulting firm who was inspired to help during time spent as a volunteer cleaning up the city.

He told the Telegraph: “I was in Takata during the clean-up efforts and happened to meet an associate of Yamani.

The ice cream will go on sale in Autumn and a portion of every sale will go towards non-profit aid organisations in Rikuzentakata.

Scroll down for a gallery of Japan's striking clean-up efforts since the disaster struck


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