'Ghost Photos' Found In Decades-Old Apple Mac (PICTURES)

PICTURES: 'Ghost Photos' Found In Decades-Old Apple Mac

Ghostly photos more than 25 years old have been discovered in a vintage Apple computer.

Writers of the blog NYC Resistor said they found the images in a decades-old Apple Mac SE dumped on the side of the road.

After booting-up the machine, they said that a "large amount of non-code, non-audio data" was found on the hard drive.

After more digging, they realised that three other photographs were stored on the machine.

The pictures are of various developers and coders who worked on the Apple Mac SE.

The full details of the discovery and how it was made can be read on the NYC Resistor blog.

But as it turns out this mystery wasn't so unknown after all. A comment on the blog post pointed to a forum message on Apple's website which lists details of the discovery.

Check out the photos, below.


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