Prince Harry Naked, Royal Joins Brad Pitt, Kim Kardashian And Paris Hilton In Nude Scandal Fame (PICTURES)

Royal Blush: Naked Prince's Exploits Earn Him A Spot On The Celebrity Skin Walk Of Fame

What do Prince Harry, Paris Hilton, Brad Pitt and Kim Kardashian have in common?

They’ve all had their naked bits flashed around the internet for all and sundry to see.

Hope he's wearing suncream: Prince Harry bares his pasty torso in Las Vegas

Whether they’ve fallen prey to a wardrobe malfunction, found themselves starring in a leaked sex tape (step forward Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian), had their phones hacked (Scarlett Johansson) or are simply born exhibitionists (yes, you Madonna), being naked, especially accidentally, is big business.

So, as the world pores over Prince Harry's Las Vegas exploits (and his bits), we've collected some of the most notable nude scandals of recent years and packed them into this one handy gallery.



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