ExPlay Games Jam 2012: Can You Make A Video Game In 24 Hours?

Can You Code A Video Game In 24 Hours?

Not everyone can make a great video game - and even fewer can make one in less than 24 hours.

But that's just what 120 games makers are going to try and do in a few weeks, at the 2012 ExPlay Games Jam, hosted by the Wellcome Trust, Science Museum and Pervasive Media Studios.

The Games Jam - held simultaneously in Bristol and London - will give participants 24 hours to make a brand new game on a specified theme.

And yes - it has to be playable.

Details of what theme is involved won't be released until the day of the event - but the winners will get the chance to showcase their game to the public at the ExPlay festival in Bath, which takes place in November.

Think you've got a good idea - or a friend who's handy with code? Check out the Games Jam's website here and sign up.

To take a look at what's possible, this video is of the game Mirrornaut - which was built for GamesJam in 2011.


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