Are You Suffering From Babylag?

Are You Suffering From Babylag?


The latest buzz word on the parenting scene is Babylag - the extreme exhaustion that comes with being a new mum or dad.

So if you've ever fallen asleep in the shower, found your keys in the microwave or got half way up the stairs and forgotten if you were going up or down, you're not alone.

New research from JOHNSON'S® Baby has found three quarters of new parents suffer sleep deprivation in the early weeks and months of parenthood as they adjust to life with a sleep-thief in the house.

The poll of 1,000 mums with children under four years also found nearly half don't get the recommended eight hours of kip each night with a third being woken three or more times.

'Babylag' - defined as 'the indescribable, can't-keep-your-eyes-open, desperate-for-a-nap feeling only experienced by new parents' - is also the cause of many weird new-parent fails.

One mum admitted hanging dry washing on the line (not productive) and confusing the washing machine for the fridge and finding a new home for the milk.

Commenting on the findings, sleep expert Dr Dev Banerjee said: "Any parent can empathise with the experience and consequences of sleep deprivation caused by having young children or babies up during the night. The term 'babylag' seems very fitting as the symptoms experienced by parents are akin to clocking up numerous transatlantic flights and suffering extreme jet lag.

"When parents are woken up regularly in the night they rarely enter the final stages of 'deep' sleep, denying their bodies the chance to re-charge and prepare for the day ahead. If that is happening night after night it can lead to slower reaction times, poor concentration and affect memory recall and problem solving."

As we all know, sleep is worth its weight in gold, but for some new parents, there really is a price to be paid for a good night's kip: one in five new mums said they would cough up £500 for a night of blissful, uninterrupted slumber, and just under a third would give up chocolate for a month.

Now that's commitment to the cause...

You can see how 'baby-lagged' you are with the fun online quiz at

So, go on, how much sleep do you get each night?

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Funny pictures of babies who will sleep ANYWHERE (expect their cots, of course)
