Meet The World's Latest Exercise Craze For Mums (PICTURES)

Is This What 'Power Maternity' Looks Like?

Since the world starting talking about the rise 'power maternity' last week, instances of post-pregnancy achievement have caught the eye of HuffPost UK Lifestyle.

Fitness instructor Lisa Druxman decided to blend her passion for fitness with motherhood when she started Stroller Strides, more than a decade ago, just three months after her son Jacob was born.

After the birth of her son, the young mother set about creating a 60-minute class, during which other mummies achieve a total body workout using exercise tubing, the environment, and the stroller, while the baby has fun.

But should women feel under pressure to get back in shape, or even start a new business, in those early months?

HuffPost UK Lifestyle blogger and Women Of The Future nominee Nicola Elliot commented recently that the concept of 'power maternity' (starting a business during your maternity leave) put too much pressure on new mums.

Physically and mentally navigating your way through life during this period is FAR MORE WORK THAN STARTING A BUSINESS. But hey! Let's do that as well! And right now. What a great time to start something that also needs your undivided attention. Ladies, are you nuts?

Yet, according to a statement, Stroller Strides has become one of the fastest growing fitness franchises in the US.

Should young mothers feel pressure to start a business? Let us know below what you think, below.
