As Abbey Road Studios Opens Its Doors Again, Some Of The More Surprising Stars To Grace Its Rooms

Some Surprising Stars Hoping For Some Abbey Road Magic

The piano where Paul played, the microphone where George hummed, the bed where John lay... are all part of the myth that is Abbey Road Studios.

When the iconic London landmark opened its doors earlier in the year, the demand to get inside was so overwhelming that the studio bosses have decided to do it all again - in March 2013.

Based in Studio 2 - home to recordings by Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Kate Bush and a certain Liverpudlian quartet - there will be a series of talks, taking in archive footage, recordings and a chance to experience the celebrated echo chamber.

The Beatles in all their glory (as celebrated by the Royal Mail)

While music historians Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew, who will host the events, are happy to celebrate the legend that was the era of the Beatles at Abbey Road, they also stress that a lot else went on, and continues to, at the deceptively genteel looking house in the middle of a quiet London street.

Probably worth crossing the road for.

Click here for more information on events and tickets, and check out our slideshow below of the more surprising stars to cross the threshold of Abbey Road, and use the facilities, perhaps hoping for some of the magic to rub off...


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