Strictly's Craig Revel Horwood: 'I Could Save The X Factor'

'I Could Save X Factor'

'Strictly Come Dancing' judge Craig Revel Horwood is no stranger to getting his claws into the celebrity contestants on the dance show but now he's turned his attention to 'The X Factor' and Simon Cowell.

In an interview with The Sun, Craig has a dig at the X Factor's falling ratings as well as show boss, Simon Cowell.

Craig Revel Horwood reckons he can 'save X Factor'

"I could save his show easily. I know what's wrong with it and what the solution is, so it's only a phone call away for him!

"The X Factor's biggest issue is that it's transparent - there aren't any surprises. You could easily write the script yourself, then just see it play out on television.

"Strictly is not scripted, I don't script arguments. I never know how the other judges are going to vote or what they are going to say, and that's what I love about it. That's what the audience appreciates."

Mi. Aow.

But the icy Aussie judge had some kinder words for some of the lady contestants on this year's 'Strictly', even though he admits he shouldn't have favourites.

"I really love Kimberley, she's fantastic, and Denise Van Outen of course is being spectacular at the moment," he added.


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