Six-Year-Old Girl Accuses ‘Guess Who?' Board Game Of Sexism In Letter (PICTURES, POLL)

Six-Year-Old Girl Accuses ‘Guess Who?’ Board Game Of Sexism

There's nothing we love more at HuffPost UK Lifestyle than people standing up to sexism and kicking misogyny in the balls -- especially when that person is just six years old.

A week ago, an unhappy primary school pupil complained to her mother that there simply weren't enough women characters in the game Guess Who? (a pressing issue for a young girl who always likes to imagine she's a female character).

As a result, her mother, Jennifer O'Connell from Ireland, wrote to the board game's manufacturers Hasbro asking why there aren't as many women as men in the popular game.

"It is not only boys who are important, girls are important too," she told the company

According to the mum's blog, her little girl dictated a powerful letter to be sent to the games company.

Unfortunately the toy manufacturer's first response didn't clear up matters, leaving the daughter more confused than ever. The letter failed to explain the imbalance between the sexes (referring to gender as a 'characteristic') and addressed the six-year-old in a bafflingly inappropriate tone.

"As a company that makes toys for children, I would have anticipated you would communicate with your youngest customers in a more direct and child-friendly way," wrote Jennifer, the young girl's mother

Eventually the O'Connells received a child-friendly letter explaining the characters and why there are just five women.

Click here for the full correspondence..

In HuffPost UK Lifestyle's humble opinion, the mother and daughter duo have raised a very good point.

This team has also suffered at the hands of Hasbro when dealt the blow of picking out a female character.

Everyone knows, it's Guess Who? suicide if you get lumbered with Claire or Susan (poor dears).

The first question your opponent will ask is invariably about gender, and if you've got a girl it's pretty much Game Over.

In one fatal swoop all of the 19 male characters will be slapped face-down on the board leaving just five sheepish looking women to fight your corner.
