Sony Tells DSLR Owners They're Idiots In Awkward Sales Pitch (VIDEO)

Sony Tells DSLR Owners They're Idiots In Awkward Sales Pitch (VIDEO)

Sony has come up with a unique pitch for its new range of cameras: telling its best customers they are idiots.

The Japanese tech giant is currently promoting its new Nex E-mount cameras by posting a video in which people who own expensive DSLR snappers are told off for not using their gear properly.

In a survey, Sony found that two thirds of DSLR users never use anything except automatic mode - completely negating the point of owning a fully manual camera.

Most also said they used it mainly "for fun" - and 20% said they used it to upload photos to Facebook.

Sony employed photographer Gary Heery to tell owners of these cameras that they should switch to a smaller, more flexible camera which they'll actually be able to use.

"You don't need the camera I use - they're big, bulky and they're difficult to use," Heery says in a quote on Sony's website. "The Sony NEX is a better choice. It has exactly the same size sensor as a DSLR camera but it's smaller, lighter and easier to use."

Take a look, above.


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