Joey Barton And Dietmar Hamann Involved In Twitter Feud

Barton And Hamann Have It Out On Twitter

Joey Barton and Dietmar Hamann livened up Twitter on Monday night with a bitter and lengthy feud.

With no Gary Neville to engage the Twitteratti on Monday Night Football, former Manchester City teammates Barton and Hamann provided alternative entertainment via a flurry of exchanges.

This is really not a news story (the irony is noted) given the amount of drivel Barton spouts on the social networking site. He has used the platform for his own hypocritical gratification and one media outlet was guilty of the crime of gullible.

Hamann and Barton were colleagues at City

But last night's ding dong was an amusing affair as both football men sullied themselves with neither of them winning as the loopier tweeters were left baying for more.

Below is a near-full exchange of the tweets. Naturally, Barton was the firestarter by having a pop at old club Newcastle United, who must be delighted to be shot of him 18 months on...

Hamann, who spent one season at Newcastle, took the bait...

Then the first irony-laden tweet from Barton...

Hamann then conjured up the best hashtag ever since the cruel-yet-funny #AdeleBondsongs...


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