Rihanna Covers Up For Once Amid Rumours She's The New Face Of Chanel

Nice Errrm, Roadkill, RiRi

It's nice to see Rihanna covered up for once, don't you think?

Although we're not entirely convinced that's even an item of clothing she's got on her back.

Is it just us or does that look distinctly like roadkill?

Well, she is dressed for the great outdoors, so we wouldn't put it past her. Maybe she got a bit chilly on her hike?

Ssshhhh (don't tell PETA).

RiRi was back to her semi-naked self on Twitter yesterday when she posted a snap of her on a 'top secret' photoshoot.

Except the singer may have let the cat out of her designer bag after accessorising her white towel with a selection of Chanel necklaces in the snap, which some people have taken to mean she's the new face of the fashion house.

"And that's a #wrap on my shoot for my new #topsecret add campaign!!! #2013 #phuckyobasic, (sic)" she tweeted.

The speculation comes hot on the heels of Rihanna's teaser video (below) for her first ever clothing line for River Island...


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