91-Year-Old Chinese Grandfather Caught During Prostitution Raid

91-Year-Old Chinese Grandfather Caught During Prostitution Raid

Whether you're buying or selling, the age of the global sex market appears to be growing older, recent reports suggest.

Following the arrest of a 71-year-old Lola, just over a week ago, Chinese news outlet news.ifeng.com has confirmed that a grandfather from Guangxi province has been busted for spending time with a middle-aged sex worker.

He added that he had a large family with many grandchildren and implored the police officers not to tell them about the charge.

The report also says the man admitted being lonely since the death of his wife and said he usually spent his time "painting and doing calligraphy".

Perhaps the gentleman in question could take advice from 82-year-old bachelor Sandy McCulloch, from Oregon, US, who has taken a refreshingly straightforward approach to finding a new wife?

According to The Huffington Post US, the single man has taken to wearing a handmade sign around his neck that reads "Wanted: A Wife," followed by handwritten requirements!
