Chris Brown Denies Assaulting Woman In Nightclub On Twitter (VIDEO)

Chris Brown Denies Assaulting Woman

Chris Brown has denied assaulting a woman in a nightclub.

Deanna Gordon accused the singer of assaulting her at Heat Ultra Lounge on Saturday and filed a police report on Sunday alleging Brown shoved her to the ground, causing torn ligaments in her knee.

However, Brown has strongly defended himself on Twitter, insisting that he “didn’t do anything” and that he had a “positive” night at the Anaheim establishment.

Mike Joher, the owner of the club where the rumoured incident took place, has also told TMZ that Breezy never touched Deanna, stating: "Based on the information which we have gathered from our security company, mall security, and other party goers which were at HEAT on Saturday night; It is apparent that the alleged incident regarding Chris Brown is false."

WATCH the video above for more details on the alleged assault.


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