Royal Baby Footman Badar Azim Back In India After Employment At Buckingham Palace Ends

Royal Baby Footman 'Loses Visa'
Badar Azim visa
Badar Azim visa

Badar Azim, the footman who announced the birth of the Royal Baby, has returned to India after his visa expired, it has been reported.

The 25-year-old's image was beamed around the world when he helped fix the birth announcement to an easel outside Buckingham Palace.

But now he is believed to have flown back to Calcutta, where his parents still live, because his employment with the royals has come to an end.

The hospitality management grew up in a Calcutta slum and helped Ailsa Anderson, the Queen’s press secretary, put in place the official notice on July 22.

He had been working in the Queen's royal household since last year, The Mirror reported.

The Home Office would not comment on individual cases.


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