'Gravity Tool' Dresses Made Using Magnets (PICTURES)

Forget The Sewing Machine...
Iris van Herpen

Even by the standards of haute couture these dresses have a pretty special appeal for these were made not with a sewing machine but with the power of magnets.

Fashion designer Iris van Herpen teamed up with Jolan Van Der Wiel, a product designer whop has perfected the lesser-known art of the Gravity Tool.

This uses resin infused with iron filings which are then "grown" using magnets.

You may find your movement a touch restricted

Each dress takes three weeks to make.

Speaking to CoDesign, van Der Weil said: "I was interested in making invisible forces visible.

"Nature was the source of inspiration. We applied mother-of-pearl elements to the dresses, which triggered the same brilliance you find in shells."

Van Der Weil is usually more at home making candlestick holders and bowls.

Van Herpen has previously worked with the likes of Lady Gaga and - perhaps unsurprisingly - Bjork.

Well it's unlikely they'd keep you warm and they look a little bit scratchy but there's no denying the dresses will get you some attention.


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