A group of councillors who were kicked out of Ukip have vowed to continue - under the banner of 'Ukig'.
The men have named their group the 'UK Independence Group' - leading to Nigel Farage's party taking legal action.
The five members of Lincolnshire County Council were suspended from the party for following expelled group leader Chris Pain into a breakaway group in September.
A spokesman for Farage told Spalding Today: “We have taken legal advice and Ukip members cannot call themselves Ukig. A breakaway group would be a new party. It’s ridiculous and confusing to the electorate.”
Pain told HuffPost UK the name did not represent a political party, adding: "Nobody's ever contacted me about it... we just changed it last week.
"We could be the Mickey Mouse fan club... it's not a political party."
In September, police dropped an inquiry into Pain after alleged racist comments were posted on his Facebook page. Pain said he had been hacked.
He said he had been kicked out for "whistleblowing" on the party's selection process and for recording a phone conversation with a senior Ukip figure.
"They are trying to use this as a tool to take me out of the party," he added, saying he was taking legal action against his expulsion.
A Ukip spokeswoman confirmed Pain had been expelled from the party, "following a disciplinary procedure".