Clare Balding Praises Tom Daley For Coming Out

'Isn't Tom Daley A Star?'

The sports commentator hailed the Olympic diver as a "star" for the way he has conducted himself.

In an interview with 'Daybreak', she said: "Isn’t Tom a star? … Do you know what I loved about that video? There was no marketing, there was no branding, it was clearly not managed. And I love that and I think gosh, if YouTube had been around ten years ago, that’s probably what I’d have done, not that anyone would have cared.”

Clare Balding

Clare went on to say that a sport star's sexuality “isn’t news” and that being comfortable in your own skin can improve your performance as a competitor.

“I think the day that it’s not news is the day that an awful lot of people will feel much more relaxed about just cracking on with their lives because it shouldn’t be news, it’s not news," she said.

Tom Daley

"I think though when you’re honest and you’re relaxed, I think it can improve your performance and I think that’s true whether you’re in business or in sport… to think that actually just being relaxed enough to be happy would help you train and therefore would help you perform well.”


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