FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) Reaches Dangerous Levels During Christmas Period

Do You Have Xmas FOMO?

If you're a regular sufferer of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), you might be experiencing a sudden and unforeseen surge in your social anxiety pangs.

The lead up to Christmas is jam-packed with parties, dinners and other miscellaneous festive events, and according to a recent survey Brits cram 44% more social occasions into December compared with other times of the year.

Part of the reason for this social cramming is FOMO. Although not a recognised medical condition, it has serious side effects including: damaging bank balance, increasing waist size, lack of sleep.

As the hectic party period approaches, the nation is preparing for the onset of ‘Festive FOMO’. A recent study reveals ‘Fear of Missing Out’ is set to affect almost ten million people during the festive season as Brits plan to attend as many as 170 million events per week in December alone.

FOMO reaches its peak during the party season for one in five (20%), where the average Brit will rack up over 12 hours a week of socialising.

The study that reveals Brits just cannot say no to festive fun. One in five (18%) worry about turning down social events in case they miss out and the same number attend more than one event a night. Over two in five (43%) of those juggle three events or more in just one evening during the height of the party season.

According to results, 15% of Brits have accepted social invites purely so they can be seen to be there and almost one in ten (8%) have attended an event just so they can tag their location on social media.

The research was conducted by the makers of Day & Night Nurse.
