How To Eat Mindfully This Christmas - Think Before You Chew To Curb Overeating And Weight Gain

How To Eat Mindfully This Christmas
Simon Battensby via Getty Images

At this time of year, we're all guilty of a little festive indulgence. But according to the British Dietetic Society, people gain an average of almost half a stone over Christmas period, with many of us consuming around 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone!

Bad eating habits - such as sugar addiction, thoughtless snacking and a tendency to take 2nd or 3rd helpings without even thinking - go into overdrive at this time of year.

So how can we pay more attention to what we’re putting into our bodies - to enjoy the festive season without thoughtless over-indulgence?

One approach is through mindful eating - an extension of mindfulness.

Mindful eating helps people to make conscious food choices by becoming more aware of hunger cues and cultivating self-acceptance.

Through mindfulness meditation, experiential eating exercises and self-reflection, courses such as MB-EAT (Mindfulness Based Eating Awareness Training) that launches in London in 2014, teaches a more balanced and positive relationship to eating and bodies.

Here are some top tips from the teachers to help lessen the temptation to overeat this Christmas.
