Joey Essex And Amy Willerton 'Call Time On 'I'm A Celebrity' Showmance'

The Showmance Is Over

It looks like it is all over before it even really began for 'I'm A Celebrity' pair Joey Essex and Amy Willerton.

The 'lovebirds' have reportedly called time on their showmance after a month of being together - or at least pretending to be.

Joey Essex and Amy Willerton

A source told The Sun: "Joey's now hot property and Amy will be gutted not to cash in on his success. ITV hoped they would stay together and star in their own show, but now it won't happen.

“Things fizzled out towards the end of December," they revealed.

"I know the real Joey and I honestly don’t think he really has fallen for her," she told OK magazine.

"I think they’ve just developed a good friendship."

She went on: "I don’t believe it. Amy said in an interview last week that she sees him as a ‘little brother’ but then he said they had ‘sexual chemistry’.

"Can you have sexual chemistry with a big sister? I don’t understand that one!"


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