Prosthesis Robotic Exo-Skeleton Is Incredible, And Could Be Reality By 2015 (VIDEO)

Fancy Racing One Of These?

The best thing about it? It's not the usual concept that never makes it off the design board - it could be a reality as soon as 2015.

The five-metre tall, three-and-a-half ton robot is being developed by a team of Canadian engineers and is billed as being a "hi-tech racing machine".

Moving the machine is entirely dependent on the pilot - their movements will be transferred into the limbs of Prosthesis.

Project leader, Jonathan Tippett, said: "Prosthesis will directly follow the movements of the pilot's limbs.

"Their arms control the outside legs and their legs control the inside legs. The machine will lope like a gorilla."

Each leg has two joints and each can move forwards or backwards. Tippet concedes that controlling the beast of a machine won't be easy but this should add to the spectacle of watching them race.

Additionally, the controls will provide the pilot with direct physical feedback.

Tippet told GizMag: "The force on each foot will be transmitted directly, mechanically to the pilot's arms and legs through the exo-frame for every step.

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"Not violently or ever in a way that could hurt the pilot, but the pilot will know by feel, just exactly how much weight is on each foot at all times."

The project is being funded through Indiegogo and has so far raised $30,160 of a $100,000 target (£60,741).

So far a team of volunteers have built a 2:3 scale prototype of a leg that is helping them refine the complex hydraulic system the suit will require.

They said: "We’ve poured hundreds - even thousands - of hours of our time into this project. We're here because we want to be, because we love what we're doing and we want to see our dreams brought to life."


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