Has the abominable snowman been captured? Has the Jabberwocky got engaged? Is the Loch Ness monster dead?
Spot the real newspaper headline..
Stories have appeared in British media, including the Daily Mail and STV, over the last 24hours that the Loch Ness Monster has had no "confirmed" (whatever that means) sightings for almost a century.

Is the Loch Ness monster dead?
Gary Campbell, who keeps a register of sightings, told the Daily Mail no one had come forward in 18 months to say they had seen the monster.
The three entries to its annual Nessie spotting contest, according to bookmaker William Hill who runs the competition, were obviously other things.
William Hill spokesman Rupert Adams said: "Although we had three entries, one was a wave, one a duck and the other wasn't from Loch Ness - even the one other sighting for the year that wasn't entered was a video of a wave."
The first claimed sighting of "Nessie" occurred in the sixth century. Italian geologist Luigi Piccardi first floated a theory in 2001, that seismic activity may underlie the majority of supposed monster sightings around the Scottish lake.
"Loch Ness is exactly on the fault zone," Piccardi said at the time. "When there are small shocks, it can create a commotion on the water surface. Along the fault there can be gas emissions, which can create large bubbles on the surface. There are many surface effects which can be linked to the activity of the fault."
What was once arguably the most iconic photo of Nessie , published in Daily Mail in 1934, was later revealed to have been staged.