London's housing market continues to stay pricey as the latest figures from Nationwide show that house prices lifted by 9.4% year on year in February as consumer confidence has bounced back.
Prices now stand at £177,846 across the UK after climbing by 0.6% month on month, with February marking the 14th month of increases in a row.
The latest annual surge means prices have risen at their strongest pace for nearly four years and rich buyers are still snapping up expensive mansions in Kensington and Chelsea.
A new home on Treguntur Road has come on sale for £28 million, which is over 150 times as expensive as the average UK home. It boasts 8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a pool and a cinema, advertised by the estate agency Russell Simpson.
Here are all the pictures so you can see what you'd get as London's latest multi-million pound home goes on sale...