4 Stunning Pictures Of The Largest Ocean Liner In The World

4 Stunning Pictures Of The Largest Ocean Liner In The World

The Queen Mary 2, the largest ocean liner in the world, turns 10 in May this year. To celebrate a decade of global travel, Cunard, the owners of the ship, commissioned this set of photographs, with the vessel’s captain, Kevin Oprey, perched on the bow, dwarfed by 151,200 tonnes of transatlantic ocean liner behind him.

The pictures were taken by photographer James Morgan as the behemoth sat docked in the port of Bali. "For me, the lines, the shapes, the curves of the Queen Mary 2, make her the most amazing ocean liner in the world, she really is," Morgan told the Mail Online.

When full, the QM2 travels with 2,620 passengers and 1,253 crew and has completed more than 200 transatlantic crossings in her first ten years.


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