'X Factor' Winner James Arthur Publicly Dumps PR On Twitter, Compares Himself To Killer Whale

James Arthur Publicly Dumps PR In Yet Another Twitter Rant

James Arthur has very publicly dumped his PR on Twitter and asked his fans to apply for the job.

The 'X Factor' winner left the social media site last year after a string of embarrassing incidents, only for his management to take over the account.

James Arthur

Since then they've been posting very PR-friendly tweets on his behalf using the fairly cheesy hash-tag '#LOVE' - and it seems like James has had enough of it.

The singer took matters into his own hands yesterday when he logged on to ask his PR to stop being so "embarrassing" on Twitter, saying:

He then took a pop at fellow talent show winner Paul Potts - who won the first series of 'Britain's Got Talent' in 2007 - tweeting:

James then went as far as telling fans he wanted one of them to take over the task of running his Twitter page, adding:

James also called on fans to design the cover art for his forthcoming mixtape 'All The World's A Stage' which will feature James rapping (because we all know how well it went for him the last time he tried rapping...) and singing - but he's been very specific in what he wants for the design.

He explained to fans that he wanted the cover art to feature the orca whale 'Tilikum', featured in the film 'Blackfish', who lashed out at crowds after being forced to perform in captivity (could he possibly be using a very subtle metaphor?), tweeting:

His tweets even managed to irk the usually mild-mannered Paul Potts, who hit back at James's tweets on his own Twitter page.

He openly tweeted to James: "You're a talented guy and ur music is great. But you're not an amateur anymore. Criticising ur promotion team openly on here isn't the best idea. Their wages come out of your budget and there will come a time when you need them more than they need u."

Oh dear, you know things are bad when you've angered Paul Potts. The question is, which sweet-natured soul is James Arthur going to pick a fight with next? Susan Boyle? Elmo??

Paul has since tweeted The Huffington Post UK directly to explain his original tweets further, saying:


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