Student Clayton Pettet 'Lost' Virginity For Art Project - Without Actually Having Sex

Bit Of An Anti-Climax?

A student who announced he would be having gay sex and losing his virginity live on stage during an art performance has proved to be a bit of an anti-climax.

Clayton Pettet's performance, however, went down like an air balloon as he didn't actually have sex, and instead let the paying public put bananas in his mouth while nearly naked people cut his hair.

"The hype was much more interesting than the event and credit," one journalist who attended the event wrote.

In a statement, the 19-year-old said: "Defining my Virginity, defining my penetration we live in civilisation of other peoples [sic]definitions. My sexuality isn’t yours. It is mine. Understand that this is an art piece."

Another critic who attended the show wrote: "Individuals had the pleasure of moving through to a 'penetration booth', meeting Pettet himself, and being told to penetrate his mouth eight times with a banana. After they obliged, Pettet took the banana, snapped it in half, and told them to leave."

Well, the performance did take place on April Fools Day...


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