Naked Movie Stars: From Scarlett Johansson To Shia LeBeouf, 13 Actors Who Have Gone Nude On Screen (NSFW PICS)

PICS: Stars Who Have Got Naked On Screen

Name a movie star and we'll show you a film they've got naked in. Virtually every actor at some point in their glittering (and less than glittering) careers have stripped off and flashed the flesh on the big screen.

From newbies just starting out (hello Charlize Theron and Katie Holmes) to established stars who don't even need to get their kit off (Scarlett Johansson and Shia LeBeouf have both gone completely nude in their latest roles), there's never been a shortage of actors who have had us reaching for the 'pause' button.

But while we'd be surprised if serial strippers like Ewan McGregor and Kim Cattrall didn't show us the contents of their pants again, there are a few stars who we're still shocked ever actually did.

Take a (sneaky) peek at our gallery of naked movie stars below...


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