Six Shocking Property Facts About How Hard Renters Have It In Britain

6 Shocking Facts That Show How Hard Renting Is In Britain
Peter Dazeley via Getty Images

Ed Miliband sparked furious debate about the property market by pledging that a Labour government would cap private sector rent rises and scrap letting fees for tenants in order to help "generation rent".

Rising property prices mean that many Britons are forced to rent as they can't scrap together a deposit, while those who are renting face seeing increasingly bigger parts of their paycheque eaten up as rates keep rising. Homeless charity Shelter warned today that the "broken" property market could have prices soar yet higher.

The Tories may have branded Ed Miliband's proposal a trade-union inspired "gimmick", but the state of the property market for renters is still tough. So many young people are forced to rent until they can one day scrap together a deposit that some have branded them the "rentysomething" generation.

Here are just six shocking facts that show how hard it is for renters in Britain.


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