‘Big Brother’ housemate Pauline Bennett has been rushed to hospital after burning her hand in the kitchen.
Although one of the main rules of ‘Big Brother’ forbids contact with the outside world, Pauline’s burn - which she obtained after touching her hand on a hot pan - was examined by medics who decided it was severe enough that she should be taken to hospital.

'BB' housemate Pauline Bennett
She returned to the house after her ever-so-brief departure sporting a bandage around her hand.
This isn’t the first time a ‘Big Brother’ contestant has needed medical attention, as it emerged that during January’s series of ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ Sam Faiers was taken to a facility to be examined for a mystery illness, which was later discovered to be Crohn’s disease.
Meanwhile, Pauline’s time in the house got off to a flying start after she was selected by the public to be the first Power Housemate on her first night in the house, although her popularity has since taken a nose-dive both inside and outside the house.
She was the first housemate chosen to face eviction when Chris Wright was made Power Housemate in a public vote, and a number of her fellow contestants were irritated by her erratic work out during Monday night’s highlights show, with Mark Byron complaining “there’s a time and a place” while Jale Karaturp joked it was the “train ride from Borehamwood to Cray Cray Town.”
Pauline’s treatment of Jale has also made her unpopular with viewers, with some critics going as far as to brand it “bullying”.
Similarly, viewers were shocked after Helen Wood branded Jale “a slug with elephant ears” and nicknamed her “Slugworth” during a discussion behind her back in Monday night’s episode.
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