A young Pakistani couple had their throats slit with scythes after their parents discovered they had married for love.
The 17-year-old girl and 31-year-old man, who is believed to have been of a lower social status, married earlier this month, multiple agencies reported, and were lured back to the family home with the promise that the families would bless their union.
"When the couple reached there, they tied them with ropes," local police official Rana Zashid was quoted as saying. "He (the girl's father) cut their throats."

Pakistani human rights activists hold placards during a protest in Islamabad
The father of the woman, named locally as Muafia Hussein, has been arrested after handing themselves in to police.
According to the United Nations own figures, 5,000 women are murdered by family members in so-called "honour killings" every year worldwide, but the figure is widely believed to be far higher, because the crime is so underreported, and takes place mainly in rural areas.
In Pakistan, 869 women were murdered last year, according to the country's human rights body.
Last month, pregnant Pakistani woman Farzana Parveen was stoned to death by about 20 people, including members of her immediate family, who disliked her new husband. It later emerged that her husband, Mohammad Iqbal had killed his first wife six years ago so he could marry Parveen.
According to reports, Parveen's father admitted killing his daughter, explaining it was a matter of "honour". The 25-year-old died of head injuries.
And last year two teenage girls were murdered alongside their mother in Pakistan – for apparently dishonouring their family by allowing themselves to be filmed playing and dancing in the rain.
Noor Basra and Noor Sheza, aged 15 and 16, died in July when five masked men burst into their home in the northern Pakistan region of Gilgit and began firing. Their mother Noshehra was also killed in the attack.
Police believe the girls’ stepbrother Khutore interpreted the video as “an assault on the honour of his family” and tried to “restore the family’s honour” by killing them.