Like AA Milne’s rotund yellow bear who famously loved honey a bit too much, this cub’s greed saw him get a little more than he bargained for.
The young black bear had been trying to lick the crumbs from the bottom of what appeared to be a cookie jar, when you guessed it, he got stuck.
Feeling confused and probably a little silly, the bear then raced up a tree in an area of woodland in Ringland, New Jersey.
Oh woe is me: The bear 'got spooked' and climbed a tree
Still wearing his headgear the hapless cub got stuck, necessitating rescue from Environmental Protection Department staffers, the Associated Press reports.
The six-month-old bear (with a presumably sore head) was tranquilised then carried down from the tree where fire crews carefully cut the jar off.
Looks familiar... AA Milne's Pooh Bear was partial to honey
“It was an oversized animal cracker jar. We suspect he got it from a neighbour’s trash container. We did find trash on the ground, Larry Ragonese, spokesman for the state Department of Environmental Protection told the North Jersey Record.
That's better!