World Cup Final Loss Sparks Fury In Argentina As Fans Riot In Buenos Aires

These Pictures Show Argentina Fans Aren't Taking World Cup Result Terribly Well

Civil unrest has spread across the Brazilian border to Buenos Aires after Argentina's extra-time 1-0 loss to Germany.

Riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at rioters who vandalised shop fronts and hurled rocks in the Argentinian capital around the city's iconic Obelisk.

The rally had started peacefully, to celebrate the team's progression to the World Cup final and laud their gutsy performance that had kept Germany at bay for 133 minutes.

Many families had brought children to the event, but were seen fleeing from masked youths on motorbikes who swigged from bottles as chaos broke out. At least 60 people were arrested, and 20 police officers were injured in the fighting.

Several tossed firecrackers at police, screaming the name of their team. But there is a hint in the air that the anger in Argentina, like Brazil, could translate into anti-government feeling. The country has one of the world's highest inflation rates and President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is currently engulfed in a corruption scandal.

Meanwhile in Germany, wild celebrations remained friendly and peaceful. Supporters danced and sang until the early hours on Berlin's "fan mile" in front of the Brandenburg Gate. All night there were the sounds of blaring car horns and fireworks.

In Rio, chancellor Angela Merkel and president Joachim Gauck joined the national team for celebrations in the dressing room.

After collecting the famous trophy, the Germans continued the party with singing and dancing in the dressing room.

They were even joined by chancellor Angela Merkel and president Joachim Gauck for the celebrations.


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